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Thema: Patch Bolivar Update

  1. #1
    Strippenzieher Avatar von Buktu
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    Post Patch Bolivar Update

    Mitte Juni soll das nächste Update für Humankind kommen.

    Bisher bekannt sind Änderungen an der Warsupport Mechanik. Außerdem gibt es einige QoL Änderungen, die mMn das Spiel deutlich angenehmer zu Spielen machen. Bisher sind sowohl diese, als auch diese QoL Verbesserungen bekannt.
    Geändert von viktorianer (26. Juni 2022 um 21:40 Uhr)
    Wer kämpft, kann verlieren. Wer nicht kämpft, hat schon verloren. - Bertolt Brecht

    Mein erstes YT LP.

  2. #2
    Registrierter Benutzer Avatar von el mariachi
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    Spielt das überhaupt jemand?

  3. #3
    Gamer aus Leidenschaft Avatar von PCGamer
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    Ja, wenn auch nur wegen der Events und der Achievements.

    Ggf. auch im MP, aber keiner will bzw. einige ziehen sich nach wenigen Runden zurück.

  4. #4
    Moderator Avatar von viktorianer
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    Zitat Zitat von el mariachi Beitrag anzeigen
    Spielt das überhaupt jemand?
    Um die 1000 Spieler auf Steam. Auch wenn das Spiel wo anders sogar mehr verkauft wurde, ist das dennoch sehr wenig.

    Ich spiele das sehr gerne. Und mit diesem Update kann man wirklich startet das Spiel zu mögen

    MP live streams | Civ6: Civ 6 - Allgemeines und Civ 6 Strategien-FAQ | PBEM-Tool : PBEM1 - Russland PBC6 - Ägypten+Sumerien PBC18 - Cree PBC19 - Australien

    Amateurastronomie Blog

    "Eine überragende Kultur kann nicht von außen her erobert werden, so lange sie sich nicht von innen her selbst zerstört hat"

  5. #5
    Moderator Avatar von viktorianer
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    Ich muss sagen, die Verbesserungen sind super. Die Anzeige von Gesamtertrag durch Infrastrukturen ist sinnvoll und hilfreich. Aber, auch Neuregelung von Kriegsende ist sehr angenehm.

    AI scheint mir aber nicht sonderlich besser zu werden. Ich habe, sicher auch durch Übung, auf HK jetzt gar keine Probleme mehr. Selbst mit einem schwachen Start und schlechten Startbedingungen. Da muss und wird aber sicher noch nachgesteuert.

    MP live streams | Civ6: Civ 6 - Allgemeines und Civ 6 Strategien-FAQ | PBEM-Tool : PBEM1 - Russland PBC6 - Ägypten+Sumerien PBC18 - Cree PBC19 - Australien

    Amateurastronomie Blog

    "Eine überragende Kultur kann nicht von außen her erobert werden, so lange sie sich nicht von innen her selbst zerstört hat"

  6. #6
    Registrierter Benutzer Avatar von Leponex
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    Zitat Zitat von el mariachi Beitrag anzeigen
    Spielt das überhaupt jemand?
    Ich spiele gerne immer eine Partie nach Updates.

    Ansonsten hat es mMn nicht so eine große Langzeitmotivation, wie Civ6, weil ich blöderweise fast jede Partie fast dieselben Kulturen auswähle

  7. #7
    Moderator Avatar von viktorianer
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    Schon zwei Wochen raus.

    Modding tools have been updated.

    ADDITIONS [Cultures of Latin America Pack]

    - Expand your HUMANKIND™ experience with the Cultures of Latin America DLC!
    - Features 6 new cultures spanning all eras, new natural and built Wonders, 9 new independent people, and 25 new narrative events.


    - Added the Mississipian culture!
    - Added Italian and Turkish localization.
    - Voluntary Forced Surrender: Wars can now be continued after the losing empire reaches 0 War Support. Sending Surrender Offers is limited by the global Diplomatic Offer cooldown.
    - War Support gains and loss are now affected by losses in battles, Influence on controled Territories and Ransacking of enemy districts.
    - War Score is not reset to zero anymore after a peace is concluded.
    - Pollution negative effects on gameplay are now deactivated by default when creating a new game. Those effects on gameplay can be re-activated when creating a new game.
    - AI: added a delay on AI movements when claiming a Territory, retreating and when the player attacks its units.
    - Sorties can now only be triggered once a Siege is confirmed.
    - Luxury Resources spread can now be customized when creating a new game.
    - Civics unlock conditions are now documented in tooltips in the civics screen.
    - Natural wonders now have various effects, instead of the same one for all of them.
    - Infrastructure gains can now be previewed (before building them and once they are built).
    - Stability Surplus and Deficit are now shown in tooltips.
    - Added a new constructible: Administrative Center Renovation, which allows to replace the visuals of the administrative center by the buildings of the current era.
    - AI: Improved the way the AI choses Cultures early and mid-game, so that it feels less predictible.
    - The mod configuration of the latest save is now loaded automatically.
    - Difficulty bonuses given to the AI have been reworked, to be more progressive among eras.
    - The Aztec Costume has been reworked, to better reflect historical accuracy.


    - The chances that DLC Content (excluding cultures) appears in a new game can now be customized when creating a new game (from "never" to "high frequency").
    - War Support is better feedbacked in the UI, especially after a Retreat.
    - new content from DLCs are tagged with a small dot (that can be deactivated in the game Settings).
    - AI: Improved airforce garrison behaviour. The AI will now use its aerial garisson more wisely.
    - AI: Improved airfield planning. The AI will now place its airports more wisely.
    - AI: Improved white peace proposition and acceptance and war declaration behaviors.
    - Removed turn limit condition from Beginner and Advanced endgame conditions in First Time User Experience scenarios.
    - Players can now go to the crisis tab to check their war score, even if they are not at war.
    - Mods and challenges can now be accessed directly in the main menu.


    - Fixed an issue where some Emblematic Districts were not properly counted for effects using the number of Districts as a prerequisite (Market Quarters, Tech Park, etc.)
    - Fixed an issue where Emblematic Building that were replacing Garrisons were not considered as Garrisons : Assyrian Dunnu, Mycenaen Cyclopean Fortress, English Stronghold, Polish Barbican, Zulu Izindlu.
    - Fixed an issue where the player was able to end the game via The Red Planet narrative event even if the Mars Conquered end condition was turned Off.
    - Fixed an issue where natural modifiers that spawn on coastal waters, like Coral Reef or Pearls, were counted as land modifiers by the map editor.
    - Fixed an issue where AI kept sending surrender offers during the same turn.
    - Fixed an issue where World life trains were ignoring train track paths and were not being rendered a short distance after the Train Station.
    - Fixed an issue where War Support was mismatching between battle report and notification/actual value.
    - Fixed an issue where City had no Spawn point if the player relocated the outpost before transorming it into a city.
    - Fixed an issue where civics could be locked in multiplayer session in some occasions.
    - Fixed an issue where all roads were reducing the movement penalty more than intended.
    - Fixed an issue where players could occupy cities while in a state of Peace, locking out the city from being used.
    - Fixed an issue where instabilities could be encountered when loading a specific community provided save file.
    - Fixed an issue where Cleared Ruin tiles had no resources yield when exploited.
    - Fixed an issue where game pace tooltip in the new game lobby was presenting misleading information.
    - Fixed an issue where Cavalry units could bypass city walls if the hex they were moving to was undiscovered.
    - Fixed an issue where the Warrior badge effect was incorrectly applied.
    - Fixed an issue where the player could not change the mod order in the Active Mod menu.
    - Fixed an issue where map with a continent that had no luxury resources could be generated in some occasions.
    - Fixed an issue where Konstantiniyye city name could appear incorrect in various locations.
    - Fixed an issue where previewing placing districts next to mountains with the Shelter the True Oracles tenet showed that the player will lose the influence buff.
    - Fixed an issue where in some occasions, cities given after a White Peace could not build districts other than stability increasing ones, even at full Stability.


    - Fixed an issue where an Empire could be stuck in Neolithic while the other Empire advanced in way later Era.
    - Fixed an issue where the Develop the Intellect tenet was not functional in game in some occasions.
    - Fixed an issue where the player could construct the forest extension on natural wonder tiles.
    - Fixed an issue where roads between cities and outposts were created without the Wheel technology being unlocked.
    - Fixed an issue where roads between outposts were created without the Supply Lines technology being unlocked.
    - Fixed an issue where the Use Airport unit action was consuming a movement point when used.
    - Fixed an issue where grievances were during 11 turns instead of 10.
    - Fixed an issue where pathfind around river entries could behave inconsistently.
    - Fixed an issue where the AI was remaining in the same era because it believed the Farmer era stars would be unlocked soon.
    - Fixed an issue where the AI would ping positions it have not explored yet.
    - Fixed an issue where the "Cultural Blitz" active ability took more than 10 turns to recharge on normal game speed.
    - Fixed an issue where the player was not informed about why they were unable to Refuse a Demand after having previously refused it.
    - Fixed an issue where false information was displayed in the "Someone moves to a new Era" notification for when an empire Transcends.
    - Fixed an issue where a desync was encountered at the start of a turn where an AI-controlled empire proposed the "Only trade luxuries" treaty to the Host.
    - Fixed an issue where map Markers were not removed after the empire's elimination.
    - Fixed an issue where AI controlled empires were not using the "Under One Banner" Expansionist affinity action in some occasions.
    - Fixed an issue where instabilities could occur after the player declared a "Surprise War" followed by "Offer Surrender" to an opposing AI empire.
    - Fixed an issue where Independent People were not evolving their Outposts into Cities when playing on the Blitz Game Speed setting.
    - Fixed an issue where incorrect pathing indicator could be displayed when reinforcing a battle in a specific situation.
    - Fixed an issue where the displayed trajectory of the nuclear missile during the strike cinematic was erratic.
    - Fixed an issue where instabilities could occur after Liberating a city.
    - Fixed an issue where the Forest extension was missing its ghost model while being placed and constructed.
    - Fixed an issue where Armies were retreating from battle over more tiles than intended.
    - Fixed an issue where players could Plant Forests on natural wonders.
    - Fixed an issue where instabilities could occur after assimilating a specific minor faction.
    - Fixed an issue where harbour-type Districts could be placed on coastal Natural Deposits.
    - Fixed an issue where the "Close to victory in the war!" notification was triggered after the war ends in some occasions.
    - Fixed an issue where the Humankind Encyclopedia was opened in the background when typing the designated Encyclopedia key - H - in the mods search bar.
    - Improved the overall stability & potential desynch issues in multiplayer.
    - Fixed and updated multiple tooltips to provide more accurate information.
    - Corrected multiple instances of debug text or images being displayed.
    - Fixed several minor other UI issues.

    MAC OS

    - Fixed an issue where wireframe assets were displayed during the nuclear detonation animation.
    - Fixed an issue where the Humankind game icon was difficult to distinguish on Dark Mode.


    - Fixed an issue where all previously unlocked trophy notifications were generated at the start of a session.


    - Fixed an issue where Emblematic Building that were replacing Garrisons were not considered as Garrisons: Ethiopian Amba.
    - Fixed an issue where unit pin was overlapping with the Maasai culture emblematic "Maasai Morans" unit model.
    - Fixed an issue where Pestilent Pastures narative event choices and outcomes were not scaling with game speed.
    - Fixed an issue where trade roads could pass through Victoria falls natural wonder.

    MP live streams | Civ6: Civ 6 - Allgemeines und Civ 6 Strategien-FAQ | PBEM-Tool : PBEM1 - Russland PBC6 - Ägypten+Sumerien PBC18 - Cree PBC19 - Australien

    Amateurastronomie Blog

    "Eine überragende Kultur kann nicht von außen her erobert werden, so lange sie sich nicht von innen her selbst zerstört hat"

  8. #8
    Moderator Avatar von viktorianer
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    Hotfix 1 & 2

    - Added an item "Cultures of Latin America" in the Extras menu, to give access to community rewards.

    - Fixed an issue where winner AI would not force surrender and loser AI would not offer surrender in some occasions.
    - Fixed an issue where Natural wonders could be cut in half in some occasions.
    - Fixed an issue where the Independent People relation increase for a "bribe" or "praise" would last a single turn.

    - Fixed an issue where Sapa Inca Guards unit was missing the Centralized Power tech prerequisite to be unlocked.
    - Fixed an issue where the Inca Terrace Farm could not be built next to natural wonders that have mountain tiles, if mountains were in another territory, or next to snowy mountains.

    - Fixed a crash when using the "run" option in the modding tool.

    - Fixed an issue where additional content could be hidden from the game in some occasions.
    Geändert von viktorianer (02. Juli 2022 um 09:44 Uhr)

    MP live streams | Civ6: Civ 6 - Allgemeines und Civ 6 Strategien-FAQ | PBEM-Tool : PBEM1 - Russland PBC6 - Ägypten+Sumerien PBC18 - Cree PBC19 - Australien

    Amateurastronomie Blog

    "Eine überragende Kultur kann nicht von außen her erobert werden, so lange sie sich nicht von innen her selbst zerstört hat"

  9. #9
    Moderator Avatar von viktorianer
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    Damit lässt sich das Spiel deutlich besser spielen. Fand ich jedenfalls...

    MP live streams | Civ6: Civ 6 - Allgemeines und Civ 6 Strategien-FAQ | PBEM-Tool : PBEM1 - Russland PBC6 - Ägypten+Sumerien PBC18 - Cree PBC19 - Australien

    Amateurastronomie Blog

    "Eine überragende Kultur kann nicht von außen her erobert werden, so lange sie sich nicht von innen her selbst zerstört hat"


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