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Thema: Angband

  1. #556
    Registrierter Benutzer
    Registriert seit
    Der Kauf funktioniert, wenn es mehr als ein Gegenstand ist. Dann kommt "Buy one" und es klappt.

  2. #557
    Registrierter Benutzer Avatar von Mondkalb
    Registriert seit

  3. #558
    Registrierter Benutzer
    Registriert seit
    Ich versuch's morgen nochmal mit der 4.1.0.

    Im Moment kann ich nur was kaufen, wenn es mehr als einen der Gegenstände im Angebot gibt.

  4. #559
    Registrierter Benutzer
    Registriert seit
    Ich muss das Spiel aufgeben. Auch in 4.1.0 kann ich einzelne Gegenstände nicht kaufen.

    Der Gegenstand ist weiß (Wert also unter dem Gold, das ich habe), es erscheint das "Buy", aber egal ob ich mit Maus oder der Tastatur versuche, das Teil zu kaufen, es geht nicht. Ich habe keine Idee mehr.

    Edit : Es sei denn, es gibt Gegenstände, die der Händler haben könnte und die ich kaufen könnte, wenn er sie denn hätte und die angezeigt werden. Was ich nicht hoffe.
    Geändert von Loudhy (11. Dezember 2017 um 07:45 Uhr)

  5. #560
    Registrierter Benutzer Avatar von Mondkalb
    Registriert seit
    Kleines Update, hauptsächlich Bugfixes:

  6. #561
    Registrierter Benutzer Avatar von Mondkalb
    Registriert seit
    Es gibt seit einiger Zeit die Version 4.1.3:
    Außerdem werden in den Nightlies gerade diverse Sachen ausprobiert:

    Neue Klassen sind dazugekommen und die Zauberbücher für die Klassen wurden verändert. Außerdem ist Nick gerade dabei, die Monster zu überarbeiten, um sie mehr dem Tolkien-Universum anzupassen.
    Es gibt viele neue interessante Räume und Level.
    Ich habe gerade meinen Spaß hiermit: Voller Uniques, aber mit Legendary Stealth kann man da ganz gut rumschleichen, wenn man die paar Wachen und Kreischer rechtzeitig entsorgt.

  7. #562
    Seufz Avatar von GarfieldMcSnoopy
    Registriert seit
    Hab mal nach langer Pause mal wieder eine Partie unter 4.1.3 begonnen. Bin Level 25, unten auf Dungeonebene 28 und hab bislang 1 unique Artifact gefunden. Eins! Nen Cloak! Wieviel Pech kann man eigentlich haben?
    Das ist alles, was wir tun können: immer wieder von neuem anfangen, immer und immer wieder. (Thornton Wilder)

  8. #563
    Registrierter Benutzer Avatar von Mondkalb
    Registriert seit
    Sei doch froh!
    Viel schlimmer ist es, wenn man auf Level 1 einen *thanc dagger oder sowas findet und dann fröhlich die Treppen hinunterrennt, nur um dann mit Level 20 oder so abzunippeln. ^^

  9. #564
    Seufz Avatar von GarfieldMcSnoopy
    Registriert seit
    So gesehen Ist mir wirklich schon passiert. Allerdings wär langsam doch eine bessere Ausrüstung wünschenswert...
    Das ist alles, was wir tun können: immer wieder von neuem anfangen, immer und immer wieder. (Thornton Wilder)

  10. #565
    Registrierter Benutzer Avatar von Mondkalb
    Registriert seit
    Vor zwei Wochen hat die Version 4.2.0 das Licht der Welt erblickt:

    Neue Monster, neue Klassen und einige neue Spielmechanismen. Emoticon: trommel

  11. #566
    Seufz Avatar von GarfieldMcSnoopy
    Registriert seit
    Oh nein, da muss ich wohl wieder mal ran Danke für den Hinweis!
    Das ist alles, was wir tun können: immer wieder von neuem anfangen, immer und immer wieder. (Thornton Wilder)

  12. #567
    Registrierter Benutzer Avatar von Mondkalb
    Registriert seit
    Ich könnte mal wieder einen Ranger spielen. Es gibt jetzt einen neuen Zauber "create arrows", der aus einem (zufälligen) Stab Pfeile macht.

  13. #568
    Registrierter Benutzer
    Registriert seit
    Habe es mal wieder angeworfen... Letztes mal vor 2 Jahren gespielt, die Zauberin is DLvl52. Kurz erstmal die ganzen Eingaben geübt, mich ins Level runtergetraut... Omens of Death haunt this place... Zich Unique Gegner sind in einer Vault, u.a Kankra, Balrog von Moria und ein Master Quyltugh, der auf lvl 76 beheimatet ist...
    Würde mich ja schon reizen,die mal aufzumischen... höchstwahrscheinlich aber ne dumme Idee .
    Aber schon nach paar Minuten macht es wieder mega Spaß. Mal schauen...

  14. #569
    Registrierter Benutzer Avatar von Mondkalb
    Registriert seit
    Nachdem ich von Rings of Power so maßlos enttäuscht bin, musste ich zum Ausgleich mal wieder in die Tiefen von Angband steigen, um die vertrauten Namen der Artefakte und Monster um mich zu haben.

    Das Spiel hat mittlerweile die Version 4.2.5 und es hat sich einiges geändert. Am besten ist wohl die Einführung des Runensystems, das es ja schon seit einigen Versionen gibt, weil damit die Identifizierung von Gegenständen im späten Spiel deutlich vereinfacht wird. Das hat ja früher regelrecht in Arbeit ausgeartet, wenn man eine große Vault leer geräumt hat.

    Angehängte Grafiken Angehängte Grafiken

  15. #570
    Registrierter Benutzer Avatar von Mondkalb
    Registriert seit
    Ich kann's noch , habe mir aber auch viel Zeit gelassen.
    Es hat auch genug Änderungen bei den Monstern gegeben, die für gefährliche Situationen gesorgt haben.

    Achtung Spoiler:
      [Angband 4.2.5 Character Dump]
     Name   Nenelmo      Age             22          Self  RB  CB  EB   Best
     Race   Kobold       Height        3'3"   Str! 18/100  -1  +0 +13 18/*** 18/210
     Class  Rogue        Weight     3st 9lb   INT! 18/100  -1  +1  +5 18/150
     Title  ***WINNER*** Turns used:          WIS! 18/100  +0  -3  +7 18/140
     HP     879/961      Game        682976   DEX! 18/100  +2  +3 +14 18/***
     SP     280/280      Standard    141951   CON! 18/100  +2  -1 +13 18/***
                         Resting      12643
     Level                 50    Armor     [84,+107]    Saving Throw     89%
     Cur Exp         15086171                           Stealth       Heroic
     Max Exp         15086171    Melee       5d8,+50    Disarm - phys.  100%
     Adv Exp         ********    To-hit      110,+67    Disarm - magic  100%
                                 Blows      7.0/turn    Magic Devices     93
     Gold            11047671                           Searching       100%
     Burden          265.2 lb    Shoot to-dam    +14    Infravision   110 ft
     Overweight       85.3 lb    To-hit       75,+65    Speed      23 (3.3x)
     Max Depth   5000' (L100)    Shots      1.0/turn
     You come from a litter of 7 pups. Your father was a shaman, and your
     mother was a cook. You have dark brown eyes, a dark brown hide, and
     small, sharp teeth.
    Resistances         Abilities
     Acid:......+*..... pFear:...........+!
     Elec:...*..+.+.... pBlnd:..+.....++...
     Fire:.+....+.++... pConf:......+..+...
     Cold:..*...+..+... pStun:.........+...
     Pois:...++.+.....+ HLife:..++.+.......
    Light:.....++..+... Regen:..++.....+...
     Dark:...+.++.+....   ESP:..++.........
    Sound:......+...... S.Inv:..++.+.+.+...
    Shard:......+...... FrAct:..++...+..+..
    Nexus:....+........ Feath:..++.........
    Nethr:........+.... S.Dig:...+.........
    Chaos:......+...... TrpIm:.............
    Disen:......+...... Bless:.............
    Hindrances          Modifiers
    ImpHP:............. Stea.:....+..+...-.
    ImpSP:............. Sear.:....+........
     Fear:............. Infra:....+.......+
    Aggrv:............. Tunn.:.............
    NoTel:............. Speed:.++++......+!
    DrExp:............. Blows:+............
    Stick:............. Shots:.............
    Fragl:............. Might:.............
      [Last Messages]
    > You miss Morgoth, Lord of Darkness.
    > You hit Morgoth, Lord of Darkness.
    > Morgoth, Lord of Darkness, tries to cast a spell, but fails.
    > You hit Morgoth, Lord of Darkness.
    > You have slain Morgoth, Lord of Darkness.
    > You feel something roll beneath your feet.
    > A magical staircase appears...
    > You have won the game!
    > You may retire (commit suicide) when you are ready.
    > You see the Mighty Hammer 'Grond' (9d9) (+5,+25) [+10].
    > You see an Amulet of Weaponmastery (+5,+5) <+2>.
    > You see the Massive Iron Crown of Morgoth [0,+0] <+50, +1> {??}.
    > You see 24 Arrows of Slay Undead (1d4) (+16,+12).
    > You see an Amulet of Weaponmastery (+5,+5) <+2>.
    Killed by Ripe Old Age.
      [Character Equipment]
    a) a Mace of Disruption of Extra Attacks (5d8) (+14,+16) <+2>
         Found lying on the floor in a vault at 4900 feet (level 98)
         +2 extra blows.
         Slays undead.
         Combat info:
         7.0 blows/round.
         Average damage/round: 1022.9 vs undead and 610.4 vs. others.
    b) the Light Crossbow 'Cubragol' (x3) (+12,+14) <+10>
         Found lying on the floor in a vault at 4850 feet (level 97)
         +10 speed.
         Branded with fire.
         Provides resistance to fire.
         Cannot be harmed by acid, fire.
    c) the Ring of Adamant 'Nenya' (+3,+3) <+2, +5>
         Found lying on the floor in a vault at 4850 feet (level 97)
         +2 strength.
         +2 intelligence.
         +2 wisdom.
         +2 dexterity.
         +2 constitution.
         +5 speed.
         Provides immunity to cold.
         Provides protection from blindness.
         Cannot be harmed by lightning.
         Sustains intelligence, wisdom, constitution.
         Feather Falling.  Speeds regeneration.  Grants telepathy.  Grants
         the ability to see invisible things.  Prevents paralysis. 
         Sustains your life force.  
         When activated, it restores your experience to full.
         Takes 787 to 1170 turns to recharge at your current speed.
         Your chance of success is 89.0%
    d) the Ring of Firmament 'Vilya' (+5,+5) <+3, +5>
         Found lying on the floor in a vault at 4750 feet (level 95)
         +3 strength.
         +3 intelligence.
         +3 wisdom.
         +3 dexterity.
         +3 constitution.
         +5 speed.
         Provides immunity to lightning.
         Provides resistance to poison, dark.
         Cannot be harmed by lightning.
         Sustains intelligence, dexterity, constitution.
         Slows your metabolism.  Feather Falling.  Speeds regeneration. 
         Grants telepathy.  Grants the ability to see invisible things. 
         Prevents paralysis.  Sustains your life force.  
         When activated, it heals 1000 hit points.
         Takes 787 to 1170 turns to recharge at your current speed.
         Your chance of success is 77.2%
    e) an Amulet of Trickery <+5, +3, +6>
         Found lying on the floor in a vault at 4850 feet (level 97)
         +5 dexterity.
         +3 stealth.
         +5 searching skill.
         +6 infravision.
         +3 speed.
         Provides resistance to poison, nexus.
         Sustains dexterity.
    f) the Arkenstone of Thráin <+4>
         Dropped by Lorgan, Chief of the Easterlings, at 2600 feet (level
         +4 light.
         Provides resistance to light, dark.
         Cannot be harmed by fire.
         Grants the ability to see invisible things.  Sustains your life
         Intensity 4 light.
         When activated, it lights and maps the entire level, sensing
         Takes 198 to 390 turns to recharge at your current speed.
         Your chance of success is 95.1%
    g) Power Dragon Scale Mail (-3) [60,+21]
         Found lying on the floor in a vault at 4900 feet (level 98)
         Provides resistance to acid, lightning, fire, cold, poison, light,
         dark, sound, shards, chaos, disenchantment.
         Provides protection from confusion.
    i) the Ethereal Cloak of Tuor [6,+11] <+4>
         Found lying on the floor in a vault at 3450 feet (level 69)
         +4 dexterity.
         +4 stealth.
         Provides immunity to acid.
         Cannot be harmed by acid, fire.
         Grants the ability to see invisible things.  Prevents paralysis.  
    m) the Knight's Shield of Eärendil [10,+15] <+1>
         Found lying on the floor in a vault at 4800 feet (level 96)
         +1 light.
         Provides resistance to lightning, fire, dark, nether.
         Provides protection from blindness.
         Cannot be harmed by acid.
         When activated, it heals cut damage, and cures all stunning,
         poison, blindness and confusion.
         Takes 390 turns to recharge at your current speed.
         Your chance of success is 93.4%
    n) the Golden Crown of Gondor [0,+15] <+3, +2, +1>
         Dropped by a dread at 2800 feet (level 56)
         +3 strength.
         +2 wisdom.
         +3 constitution.
         +1 light.
         Provides resistance to fire, cold, light.
         Provides protection from blindness, confusion, stunning.
         Cannot be harmed by acid.
         Speeds regeneration.  Grants the ability to see invisible things. 
         When activated, it heals 500 hit points.
         Takes 975 turns to recharge at your current speed.
         Your chance of success is 95.8%
    o) the Set of Leather Gloves 'Cambeleg' (+8,+8) [1,+15] <+2>
         Taken from a chest found at 4850 feet (level 97)
         +2 strength.
         +2 constitution.
         Cannot be harmed by acid, fire.
         Prevents paralysis.  
    p) the Pair of Steel Shod Boots of Thrór [7,+20] <+3, -1>
         Found lying on the floor at 1650 feet (level 33)
         +3 strength.
         +3 constitution.
         -1 stealth.
         +3 speed.
         Provides protection from fear.
         Cannot be harmed by acid, fire.
      [Character Inventory]
    a) a Book of Magic Spells [First Spells]
         You can read this book.
    b) a Book of Magic Spells [Arcane Control]
         Cannot be harmed by fire.
         You can read this book.
    c) 28 Potions of *Healing* {!*}
         It can be thrown at creatures with damaging effect.
    d) 11 Potions of Life {!*}
         It can be thrown at creatures with damaging effect.
    e) 16 Potions of Restore Mana
    f) 3 Potions of Berserk Strength
    g) 14 Scrolls of Banishment {!*}
    i) 25 Scrolls of *Destruction* {!*}
    m) 4 Rods of Magic Mapping (2 charging)
    n) 14 Rods of Healing (2 charging)
         Cannot be harmed by lightning.
    o) 21 Rods of Teleport Other (3 charging)
    p) 2 Rods of Recall {!*}
         Cannot be harmed by lightning.
    q) 14 Rods of Speed (4 charging)
         Cannot be harmed by lightning.
    r) the Ring of Fire 'Narya' (+2,+2) <+1, +5>
         Found lying on the floor in a pit at 4900 feet (level 98)
         +1 strength.
         +1 intelligence.
         +1 wisdom.
         +1 dexterity.
         +1 constitution.
         +5 speed.
         Provides immunity to fire.
         Provides protection from fear.
         Cannot be harmed by lightning.
         Sustains strength, constitution.
         Slows your metabolism.  Speeds regeneration.  Grants telepathy. 
         Grants the ability to see invisible things.  Prevents paralysis.  
         When activated, it grants you protection from evil for 1d25 plus 3
         times your character level turns.
         Takes 795 to 1560 turns to recharge at your current speed.
         Your chance of success is 92.5%
      [Character Quiver]
    0) 6 Bolts of Flame (1d5) (+11,+13)
         Branded with fire.
         Combat info:
         When fired, hits targets up to 120 feet away.
         Average damage/round: 193.3 vs creatures not resistant to fire and
         96.8 vs. others.
         20% chance of breaking upon contact.
    1) 11 Seeker Bolts of Acid (4d5) (+12,+11)
         Branded with acid.
         Cannot be harmed by acid.
         Combat info:
         When fired, hits targets up to 120 feet away.
         Average damage/round: 238.5 vs creatures not resistant to fire and
         creatures not resistant to acid, and 119.4 vs. others.
         20% chance of breaking upon contact.
    2) 9 Seeker Bolts of Wounding (4d6) (+22,+21)
         Combat info:
         When fired, hits targets up to 120 feet away.
         Average damage/round: 318.1 vs creatures not resistant to fire and
         159.3 vs. others.
         20% chance of breaking upon contact.
    3) 13 Seeker Bolts of Wounding (4d6) (+20,+24)
         Combat info:
         When fired, hits targets up to 120 feet away.
         Average damage/round: 337 vs creatures not resistant to fire and
         168.7 vs. others.
         20% chance of breaking upon contact.
    4) 22 Seeker Bolts of Wounding (4d5) (+21,+26)
         Combat info:
         When fired, hits targets up to 120 feet away.
         Average damage/round: 337.3 vs creatures not resistant to fire and
         168.9 vs. others.
         20% chance of breaking upon contact.
    5) 14 Seeker Bolts of Holy Might (4d5) (+24,+24)
         Slays undead, demons, evil creatures.
         Cannot be harmed by acid.
         Combat info:
         When fired, hits targets up to 120 feet away.
         Average damage/round: 325.1 vs undead, demons, and creatures not
         resistant to fire, 271 vs evil creatures, and 162.7 vs. others.
         20% chance of breaking upon contact.
    6) 18 Mithril Bolts of Holy Might (3d5) (+18,+26)
         Slays undead, demons, evil creatures.
         Cannot be harmed by acid.
         Combat info:
         When fired, hits targets up to 120 feet away.
         Average damage/round: 317.1 vs undead, demons, and creatures not
         resistant to fire, 264.3 vs evil creatures, and 158.7 vs. others.
         20% chance of breaking upon contact.
      [Home Inventory]
    a) a Ring of Speed <+13>
         Found lying on the floor at 4750 feet (level 95)
         +13 speed.
    b) an Amulet of Weaponmastery (+5,+5) <+2>
         Found lying on the floor in a vault at 4950 feet (level 99)
         +2 strength.
         Provides resistance to disenchantment.
         Provides protection from fear.
         Sustains strength, constitution.
         Prevents paralysis.  
    c) the Chain Mail of Arvedui (-2) [40,+15] <+2>
         Found lying on the floor at 2550 feet (level 51)
         +2 strength.
         Provides resistance to acid, lightning, fire, cold, shards, nexus.
         Cannot be harmed by acid.
    d) the Metal Brigandine Armour of the Rohirrim [50,+15] <+2>
         Found lying on the floor in a vault at 4000 feet (level 80)
         +2 strength.
         +2 dexterity.
         Provides resistance to acid, lightning, fire, cold, sound.
         Provides protection from fear, confusion.
         Cannot be harmed by acid.
    e) the Full Plate Armour of Isildur [75,+25] <+1>
         Dropped by Thuringwethil, the Vampire Messenger, at 4900 feet
         (level 98)
         +1 constitution.
         Provides resistance to acid, lightning, fire, cold, sound, nexus.
         Provides protection from confusion.
         Cannot be harmed by acid.
    f) the Mithril Plate Mail of Celeborn (-3) [65,+25] <+3>
         Found lying on the floor in a vault at 4850 feet (level 97)
         +3 strength.
         Provides resistance to acid, lightning, fire, cold, dark,
         Cannot be harmed by acid.
         When activated, it removes all non-unique monsters represented by
         a chosen symbol from the level, dealing you damage in the process.
         Takes 1950 turns to recharge at your current speed.
         Your chance of success is 95.8%
    g) the Adamantite Plate Mail 'Soulkeeper' (-4) [90,+20] <+2>
         Found lying on the floor in a vault at 4850 feet (level 97)
         +2 constitution.
         Provides resistance to acid, cold, dark, nexus, nether, chaos.
         Provides protection from fear.
         Cannot be harmed by acid.
         Sustains constitution.
         Sustains your life force.  
         When activated, it heals 1000 hit points.
         Takes 1731 turns to recharge at your current speed.
         Your chance of success is 91.1%
    h) a Robe of Permanence [2,+26]
         Dropped by a young gold dragon at 4750 feet (level 95)
         Provides resistance to acid, lightning, fire, cold, light.
         Cannot be harmed by acid, fire.
         Sustains strength, intelligence, wisdom, dexterity, constitution.
         Sustains your life force.  
    i) the Soft Leather Armour 'Hithlomir' [10,+20] <+3>
         Found lying on the floor in a vault at 3200 feet (level 64)
         +3 stealth.
         Provides resistance to acid, lightning, fire, cold, dark, nether.
         Cannot be harmed by acid, fire.
    j) the Leather Scale Mail 'Thalkettoth' (-1) [20,+25] <+3>
         Found lying on the floor in a vault at 2500 feet (level 50)
         +3 dexterity.
         +3 speed.
         Provides resistance to acid, shards.
         Cannot be harmed by acid, fire.
         Prevents paralysis.  
    k) an Ethereal Cloak of Aman [0,+46] <+1>
         Found lying on the floor in a vault at 4650 feet (level 93)
         +1 stealth.
         Provides resistance to nexus.
         Cannot be harmed by acid, fire.
    l) the Small Metal Shield of Thorin [5,+25] <+3, +4, -1>
         Dropped by Saruman of Many Colours at 4700 feet (level 94)
         +3 strength.
         +4 constitution.
         -1 stealth.
         Provides immunity to acid.
         Provides resistance to sound, chaos.
         Provides protection from fear.
         Cannot be harmed by acid.
         Prevents paralysis.  
    m) the Pair of Leather Boots 'Dal-i-thalion' [2,+15] <+5>
         Found lying on the floor in a vault at 4900 feet (level 98)
         +5 dexterity.
         +5 speed.
         Provides resistance to nether.
         Provides protection from confusion.
         Cannot be harmed by acid, fire.
         Sustains constitution.
         Prevents paralysis.  
         When activated, it cures you of fear and poison.
         Takes 19 turns to recharge at your current speed.
         Your chance of success is 96.9%
    n) a Pair of Iron Shod Boots of Elvenkind [4,+17] <+2, +9>
         Found lying on the floor in a pit at 4850 feet (level 97)
         +2 stealth.
         +9 speed.
         Cannot be harmed by acid, fire.
         Feather Falling.  
    o) the Bastard Sword of Éowyn (4d4) (+11,+15) <+4, +2>
         Found lying on the floor in a vault at 2500 feet (level 50)
         +4 strength.
         +2 stealth.
         Slays undead (powerfully), giants, animals, evil creatures.
         Provides resistance to cold, dark, nether.
         Provides protection from fear.
         Cannot be harmed by acid.
         Combat info:
         5.0 blows/round.
         Average damage/round: 565.4 vs undead, 448.8 vs giants, 390.5 vs
         animals and evil creatures, and 332.2 vs. others.
    p) the Bastard Sword 'Calris' (3d7) (+10,+20) <+5>
         Dropped by The Witch-King of Angmar at 4650 feet (level 93)
         +5 constitution.
         Slays dragons (powerfully), demons, trolls, evil creatures.
         Provides resistance to disenchantment.
         Cannot be harmed by acid.
         Aggravates creatures nearby.  
         Combat info:
         5.0 blows/round.
         Average damage/round: 642.4 vs dragons, 502.6 vs demons and
         trolls, 432.7 vs evil creatures, and 362.8 vs. others.
    q) the Trident of Wrath (3d10) (+16,+18) <+2>
         Found lying on the floor in a vault at 2000 feet (level 40)
         +2 strength.
         +2 dexterity.
         Slays undead (powerfully), evil creatures.
         Branded with poison.
         Provides resistance to light, dark.
         Cannot be harmed by acid, fire.
         Grants the ability to see invisible things.  Blessed by the gods
         (combat bonuses for holy casters).  
         Combat info:
         5.0 blows/round.
         Average damage/round: 758.8 vs undead, 570.5 vs creatures not
         resistant to poison, 476.3 vs evil creatures, and 382.1 vs.
    r) the Great Axe of Durin (4d4) (+10,+20) [+15] <+3, -1, +5>
         Taken from a chest found at 4650 feet (level 93)
         +3 strength.
         +3 constitution.
         -1 stealth.
         +5 tunneling.
         Slays dragons (powerfully), demons, trolls, orcs.
         Branded with fire, acid.
         Provides resistance to acid, fire, light, dark, chaos.
         Provides protection from fear.
         Cannot be harmed by acid, fire.
         Prevents paralysis.  
         Combat info:
         5.0 blows/round.
         Average damage/round: 611.2 vs dragons, 490.3 vs demons, trolls,
         orcs, creatures not resistant to fire, and creatures not resistant
         to acid, and 369.5 vs. others.
    s) the Lance of the Eorlingas (2d17) (+7,+21) <+2>
         Dropped by Azog, Enemy of the Dwarves, at 1700 feet (level 34)
         +2 strength.
         +2 dexterity.
         +2 speed.
         Slays trolls, orcs, evil creatures.
         Provides protection from fear.
         Cannot be harmed by acid, fire.
         Grants the ability to see invisible things.  
         Combat info:
         5.0 blows/round.
         Average damage/round: 670.2 vs trolls and orcs, 555.4 vs evil
         creatures, and 440.7 vs. others.
    t) the Two-Handed Great Flail 'Thunderfist' (3d9) (+5,+18) <+4, +3>
         Taken from a chest found at 4500 feet (level 90)
         +4 strength.
         +3 constitution.
         Slays trolls, orcs, animals.
         Branded with fire, lightning.
         Provides resistance to lightning, fire, dark.
         Provides protection from fear.
         Cannot be harmed by acid, fire.
         Combat info:
         5.0 blows/round.
         Average damage/round: 580 vs trolls, orcs, creatures not resistant
         to fire, and creatures not resistant to lightning, 487.2 vs
         animals, and 394.3 vs. others.
    u) the Mace 'Taratol' (3d6) (+12,+12)
         Found lying on the floor in a vault at 2550 feet (level 51)
         Slays dragons (powerfully).
         Branded with lightning.
         Provides immunity to lightning.
         Cannot be harmed by acid, fire.
         When activated, it hastens you for d20+20 turns.
         Takes 393 to 780 turns to recharge at your current speed.
         Your chance of success is 96.6%
         Combat info:
         5.0 blows/round.
         Average damage/round: 563.3 vs dragons, 437.8 vs creatures not
         resistant to lightning, and 312.2 vs. others.
    v) the Pick of Erebor (4d3) (+5,+20) <+3, +5, +1>
         Dropped by Khamûl, the Black Easterling, at 4900 feet (level 98)
         +3 strength.
         +3 constitution.
         +5 tunneling.
         +1 light.
         Slays demons, trolls, orcs.
         Branded with acid.
         Provides resistance to light, dark, chaos.
         Sustains strength.
         Combat info:
         5.0 blows/round.
         Average damage/round: 446 vs demons, trolls, orcs, and creatures
         not resistant to acid, and 351.8 vs. others.
    w) the Long Bow of Bard (x5) (+15,+18) <+1, +2>
         Taken from a chest found at 1950 feet (level 39)
         +1 dexterity.
         +1 speed.
         +2 shooting power.
         Cannot be harmed by acid, fire.
         Prevents paralysis.  
    [Player history]
          Turn   Depth  Note
             0      0'  Began the quest to destroy Morgoth.
           215     50'  Reached level 2
           546     50'  Killed Fang, Farmer Maggot's Dog
           546     50'  Reached level 3
           672     50'  Reached level 4
          2817    300'  Reached level 5
          2870    300'  Killed Sméagol
          2870    300'  Reached level 6
          3183    300'  Reached level 7
          3576    350'  Reached level 8
          3763    350'  Killed Grip, Farmer Maggot's Dog
          4099    400'  Reached level 9
          4630    450'  Reached level 10
          4651    450'  Killed Lagduf, the Snaga
          4651    450'  Reached level 11
          5091    450'  Killed Bullroarer the Hobbit
          5095    450'  Reached level 12
          5818    400'  Reached level 13
          6615    500'  Reached level 14
          7870    600'  Reached level 15
          8401    600'  Killed Wormtongue, Agent of Saruman
          8893    600'  Reached level 16
          9187    600'  Killed Grishnákh, the Hill Orc
          9526    650'  Reached level 17
         11048    800'  Reached level 18
         11764    850'  Killed Orfax, Son of Boldor
         11804    850'  Killed Nár, the Dwarf
         11932    850'  Reached level 19
         13281    850'  Reached level 20
         14157    900'  Reached level 21
         14887    900'  Killed Gorbag, the Orc Captain
         14887    900'  Reached level 22
         15351    900'  Killed Ulfast, Son of Ulfang
         16098    950'  Reached level 23
         17198    950'  Killed Ufthak of Cirith Ungol
         18465    950'  Reached level 24
         20044   1300'  Reached level 25
         20685   1350'  Killed Khîm, Son of Mîm
         20777   1350'  Found the Phial of Galadriel (LOST)
         22741   1400'  Found the Broad Sword 'Orcrist' (LOST)
         22839   1400'  Reached level 26
         23639   1450'  Found the Scimitar 'Haradekket' (LOST)
         23716   1450'  Killed Angamaitë of Umbar
         23735   1450'  Killed Sangahyando of Umbar
         23743   1450'  Found the Iron Helm of Gorlim (LOST)
         23744   1450'  Found the Cutlass 'Gondricam' (LOST)
         24013   1450'  Killed Golfimbul, the Hill Orc Chief
         24092   1450'  Reached level 27
         26620   1550'  Reached level 28
         26811   1600'  Killed Shagrat, the Orc Captain
         28186   1700'  Reached level 29
         29552   1650'  Killed Lugdush, the Uruk
         29614   1650'  Killed Bolg, Son of Azog
         29619   1650'  Found the Set of Gauntlets 'Paurhach' (LOST)
         30331   1650'  Killed Boldor, King of the Yeeks
         30654   1600'  Reached level 30
         32039   1600'  Found the Pair of Leather Boots of Wormtongue (LOST)
         32201   1650'  Found the Pair of Steel Shod Boots of Thrór
         32324   1650'  Found the Dagger 'Narthanc' (LOST)
         32504   1650'  Killed Ibun, Son of Mîm
         32973   1700'  Reached level 31
         33278   1700'  Killed Azog, Enemy of the Dwarves
         33286   1700'  Found the Lance of the Eorlingas
         33387   1750'  Killed Lokkak, the Ogre Chieftain
         33502   1750'  Killed Ulfang the Black
         33532   1750'  Killed Ulwarth, Son of Ulfang
         35456   1950'  Reached level 32
         35588   1950'  Found the Long Bow of Bard
         37143   2050'  Found the Steel Helm of Hammerhand (LOST)
         37262   2050'  Reached level 33
         37538   2000'  Killed Draebor, the Imp
         37538   2000'  Found the Long Sword 'Elvagil' (LOST)
         37815   2050'  Killed Castamir the Usurper
         38091   2050'  Found the Katana 'Aglarang' (LOST)
         38105   2050'  Killed Tom the Stone Troll
         38111   2050'  Killed Bill the Stone Troll
         38115   2050'  Found the Iron Helm 'Holhenneth' (LOST)
         38122   2050'  Killed Bert the Stone Troll
         38736   2050'  Reached level 34
         39039   2000'  Killed Rogrog the Black Troll
         39154   2000'  Found the Lead-Filled Mace 'Turmil' (LOST)
         39174   2000'  Found the Trident of Wrath
         40339   2150'  Found the Star of Elendil (LOST)
         40586   2100'  Killed Mughash the Kobold Lord
         40586   2100'  Found the Short Sword 'Dagmor' (LOST)
         40659   2100'  Reached level 35
         40963   2150'  Killed Beorn, the Shape-Changer
         40963   2150'  Found the Pair of Leather Boots of Radagast (LOST)
         41869   2300'  Killed Uglúk, the Uruk
         42565   2400'  Killed Gorlim, Betrayer of Barahir
         43480   2500'  Killed The Queen Ant
         43764   2500'  Found the Leather Scale Mail 'Thalkettoth'
         43789   2500'  Found the Bastard Sword of Éowyn
         43791   2500'  Found the Leather Shield of Celegorm (LOST)
         44514   2600'  Killed Lorgan, Chief of the Easterlings
         44515   2600'  Found the Arkenstone of Thráin
         44723   2600'  Reached level 36
         45607   2400'  Killed Ariel, Queen of Air
         45899   2400'  Reached level 37
         47228   2550'  Killed Harowen the Black Hand
         47230   2550'  Found the Beaked Axe of Húrin (LOST)
         48303   2550'  Found the Chain Mail of Arvedui
         48673   2550'  Found the Necklace of the Dwarves (LOST)
         48718   2550'  Found the Mace 'Taratol'
         48760   2550'  Found the Spear 'Nimloth' (LOST)
         49067   2550'  Found the Broad Axe 'Barukkheled' (LOST)
         49312   2550'  Found the Ring of Barahir (LOST)
         49525   2550'  Found the Executioner's Sword 'Crisdurian' (LOST)
         49584   2550'  Reached level 38
         50635   2650'  Killed Scatha the Worm
         52741   2800'  Found the Golden Crown of Gondor
         53128   2850'  Killed Itangast the Fire Drake
         53128   2850'  Reached level 39
         56610   3200'  Reached level 40
         56944   3200'  Found the Soft Leather Armour 'Hithlomir'
         58407   3400'  Found the Halberd 'Osondir' (LOST)
         58604   3450'  Found the Ethereal Cloak of Tuor
         58894   3450'  Found the Amulet of Carlammas (LOST)
         58964   3450'  Reached level 41
         60587   3500'  Reached level 42
         61165   3550'  Reached level 42
         62525   4000'  Found the Metal Brigandine Armour of the Rohirrim
         63378   4100'  Killed Uvatha the Horseman
         63957   4050'  Found the Beaked Axe of Théoden (LOST)
         65760   4250'  Killed Waldern, King of Water
         65923   4250'  Reached level 43
         67822   4500'  Found the Metal Cap of Celebrimbor (LOST)
         68112   4500'  Found the Pendant of Ingwë (LOST)
         68139   4500'  Reached level 44
         68409   4500'  Found the Two-Handed Great Flail 'Thunderfist'
         68749   4500'  Found the Band of Tulkas (LOST)
         71073   4850'  Reached level 45
         71227   4850'  Found the Mithril Plate Mail of Celeborn
         71276   4850'  Found the Cloak 'Holcolleth' (LOST)
         71278   4850'  Found the Ring of Adamant 'Nenya'
         72787   4800'  Reached level 46
         73251   4850'  Reached level 47
         73800   4850'  Found the Light Crossbow 'Cubragol'
         75133   4850'  Killed Tevildo, Prince of Cats
         75135   4850'  Found the Spear of Melkor (LOST)
         76709   4900'  Killed Uldor the Accursed
         77349   4850'  Found the Elfstone 'Elessar' (LOST)
         77785   4900'  Reached level 48
         77801   4900'  Found the Augmented Chain Mail of Caspanion (LOST)
         81216   4900'  Killed Draugluin, Sire of All Werewolves
         81216   4900'  Reached level 49
         81708   4900'  Found the Ring of Fire 'Narya'
         82145   4900'  Found the Lochaber Axe 'Mundwine' (LOST)
         82311   4850'  Found the Adamantite Plate Mail 'Soulkeeper'
         82459   4850'  Found the Hard Leather Cap of Thranduil (LOST)
         82643   4850'  Found the Mithril Chain Mail 'Belegennon' (LOST)
         82645   4850'  Found the Scythe 'Avavir' (LOST)
         82694   4850'  Found the Zweihander 'Mormegil' (LOST)
         83570   4850'  Killed Ji Indur Dawndeath
         84540   4900'  Reached level 50
         84591   4900'  Killed Kavlax the Many-Headed
         84751   4900'  Killed Ar-Pharazôn the Golden
         84774   4900'  Found the Iron Crown of Berúthiel (LOST)
         84778   4900'  Found the Metal Cap of Thengel (LOST)
         84910   4900'  Killed Khamûl, the Black Easterling
         84926   4900'  Killed Akhorahil the Blind
         84931   4900'  Killed Adunaphel the Quiet
         84938   4900'  Found the Pick of Erebor
         85432   4900'  Found the Broad Sword 'Aeglin' (LOST)
         86694   4750'  Killed Makar, the Warrior
         87293   4800'  Killed Dwar, Dog Lord of Waw
         87837   4700'  Killed Ungoliant, the Unlight
         88261   4700'  Killed Smaug the Golden
         88968   4650'  Found the Short Bow of Amrod (LOST)
         90512   4700'  Killed Glaurung, Father of the Dragons
         91318   4650'  Found the Great Axe of Durin
         91610   4700'  Killed Saruman of Many Colours
         91612   4700'  Found the Small Metal Shield of Thorin
         92336   4700'  Found the Battle Axe of Balli Stonehand (LOST)
         92409   4700'  Killed Eöl, the Dark Elf
         92735   4650'  Killed Mîm, Betrayer of Turin
         92810   4650'  Killed The Witch-King of Angmar
         92810   4650'  Found the Bastard Sword 'Calris'
         93291   4750'  Killed Ren the Unclean
         94296   4800'  Killed Vargo, Tyrant of Fire
         96063   4950'  Killed Fundin Bluecloak
         97760   4850'  Found the Set of Leather Gloves 'Cambeleg'
         97952   4900'  Killed Shelob, Spider of Darkness
         99219   4900'  Killed Thuringwethil, the Vampire Messenger
         99221   4900'  Found the Full Plate Armour of Isildur
         99754   4900'  Killed The Mouth of Sauron
        100893   4900'  Killed Maeglin, the Traitor of Gondolin
        101019   4900'  Killed Tselakus, the Dreadlord
        103777   4900'  Killed Baphomet the Minotaur Lord
        105800   4650'  Killed Hoarmurath of Dir
        107236   4600'  Found the Set of Gauntlets 'Paurnimmen' (LOST)
        108236   4600'  Found the Short Sword 'Sting' (LOST)
        108660   4600'  Found the Set of Gauntlets of Eöl (LOST)
        109654   4600'  Killed Pazuzu, Lord of Air
        110475   4750'  Killed The Phoenix
        111926   4750'  Killed Ancalagon the Black
        112180   4750'  Killed Gothmog, the High Captain of Balrogs
        112864   4700'  Killed Vecna, the Emperor Lich
        113269   4650'  Killed The Balrog of Moria
        117179   4900'  Found the Long Sword 'Anguirel' (LOST)
        117786   4900'  Found the Mithril Shield of Gil-galad (LOST)
        118816   4900'  Found the Mattock of Náin (LOST)
        118916   4900'  Found the Pair of Leather Boots 'Dal-i-thalion'
        118956   4900'  Killed Cantoras, the Skeletal Lord
        120143   4900'  Killed Huan, Wolfhound of the Valar
        120197   4900'  Killed Qlzqqlzuup, the Emperor Quylthulg
        121822   4900'  Killed Nan, the Giant
        122629   4800'  Killed Meássë, the Bloody
        124530   4950'  Found the Glaive of Pain (LOST)
        125172   4850'  Killed Quaker, Master of Earth
        126517   4800'  Found the Leather Shield of the Haradrim (LOST)
        126729   4800'  Killed Lungorthin, the Balrog of White Fire
        127090   4800'  Found the Knight's Shield of Eärendil
        127122   4800'  Found the Large Metal Shield of Anárion (LOST)
        128151   4750'  Found the Battle Axe 'Lotharang' (LOST)
        130168   4750'  Found the Cloak 'Colluin'
        139031   4750'  Found the Ring of Firmament 'Vilya'
        140466   4850'  Killed Feagwath, the Undead Sorcerer
        141599   4950'  Killed Sauron, the Sorcerer
        141942   5000'  Killed Morgoth, Lord of Darkness
        141942   5000'  Found the Massive Iron Crown of Morgoth
        141943   5000'  Found the Mighty Hammer 'Grond'

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